Danger of nail fungi, possible complications in the absence of treatment

Onychomycosis begins to influence nail slabs on a pathology, arm and legs that the fungi penetrates the body. Pathogens of pathological feed on Keratin, so the nails in the background are inevitably destroyed. However, the yellow tuberculosis nails are not the only problem that patients will face.More dangerous than nail fungus- Each person should be found in this problem.

Reasons and symptoms of nail fungi

The fungus occurs when you receive another person. Often infection in wet rooms (pool, sauna, shower), mushrooms can live outside the carrier for a while. In a short time, pathogens live in the soil, but the ultraviolet rays of dermatophits and microcircuits are quickly died when the rays of them in.

Pathogenic fungi covers a person everywhere, but all people from disease suffer from 25-30% of the population. This is due to the fact that the immune system can fight the infection. After the puzzling and actively reprinted the nail of fungi and actively, immunity efforts will be almost impossible to cope with the disease. However, the fungi only struggles with them, trying to win the body.

How to treat nail fungi

Occurs by reducing immunity:

  • Stress;
  • Sleep shortages;
  • Pathologies: diabetes, hepatitis, discloses, hormonal disorders;
  • Restoration of the body after cold, surgical interventions;
  • skin diseases;
  • injuries of extremities.

You can recognize fungi since the first day. The pathological process begins with the damage to the thumbs or small fingers: the nails lose their glow, wrap and stains. When cutting the free edge, the plate collapses like chalk and collapsed. As the disease progresses, the nail is juicy and thickened, except onycholytic form of the disease. The skin around the fingers is scraping, reduced, an unpleasant sour smell comes from fingers.

If nail fungi is not treated, Pathology will advance.Results of the nail fungiDifferent because the pathological pathogen is deepening to the body and begins to attack the internal organs.

Doctors' opinion:

Nail fungus is unfortunately a general disease that is often not valued. Doctors do not recommend not to make this problem strongly, because there may be serious complications in the absence of treatment. The growth in the fungal infection can cause the deformation of nails, collectors and in some cases. In addition, nail fungi can be a source of skin diseases and other infections, which increases the risk of general health. Therefore, it is important to contact the specialist in the first signs of the disease to prevent possible complications and start treatment in a timely manner.

Is more dangerous than mushrooms for the body

The fact of the fungi itself indicates that the body does not work sufficient. Often, this is a temporary decrease in immunity, but there is also a risk of hidden immune failure.

Many people do not think about the fact that the disease is not dangerousmore dangerous than nail mushrooms for the body. If this continues without a lot of concern and if a person does not disturb the change in the appearance of the nail, it may not ignore a long-lasting treatment. However, the factors that will reduce the work of immunity and prevent unprotected body before the infection: antibiotics, medicinal immunosprication, long period for organ transplantation.

So it is important to knowNail fungi causes the legsand hands.

Complications of fungi

Fleet mushrooms complicationsAnd they include themselves:

  • Distribution of the mushroom into other organs and systems;
  • change in the status of immunity;
  • escalation of chronic pathologies;
  • deterioration in the appearance of nails;
  • Psychological anxiety, depression;
  • Finger deformation: arthritis, straight legs;
  • The exacerbation of allergic reactions.

If you are not treating nail fungi, the results are developing in a few years. However, if there is chronic pathologies of a man, the exacerbation in the background of a fungal infection can accelerate the change in the immune status. The problem will be with the nature of the closed circle: both mushrooms and its complications will move forward.

How I destroyed nail fungi! Nail fungi legs at home

Inspection in the nailOther people's experience

Nail fungi is a serious disease that requires not only a cosmetic problem, attention and timely treatment. People who look at this problem are often not an unpleasant appearance of nails, but also notching, burning and unpleasant odors. But if you do not start treatment in time, nail fungi can cause serious complications. In the worst case, the infection can cause other nails or even skin, painful ulcers. In addition, a fungal infection can cause allergic reactions and even problems in the immune system. Therefore, it is important not to postpone the visit to the doctor and not start treatment in the first signs of nail fungi.

Diagnosis and treatment of onyComycosis

The diagnosis is usually carried out by exploring and collecting an Anamnesis. If the diagnosis is difficult or you need to distinguish pathology from similarities, laboratory diagnosis is used. For research, a part of the affected nail plate, is being examined under a microscope. Defined microorganisms were sent to determine if there was a fungus or bacterial infection (Stafilokoccus, StrePtoccus).

To keep everything warningResults of the nail fungiYou need to choose hands and therapy. Local and commonly divided. First, in the initial stages of the development of the disease, the second - with advanced onychomycosis.

Tablets allow you to recover faster without daily procedures, the active substance is collected on the nail plate, continues to move after the course canceled. But the tablets have many opposite instructions, including:

  • Pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • liver injury;
  • The kidney failure.

In this situation, local therapy is recommended: ointments, creams, solutions and sprays. Every day, some are applied after some hours. Most popular drugs that eliminate and prevent diseaseThe results of nail mushrooms on their legs in the body, varnishes, pills, etc.

Therapeutic varnishes are very popular only twice a week that allow patient nails to take care of their nails. Masks the symptoms of the disease and destroy the pathogen. You can only get them in a pharmacy and use ordinary varnish during therapy.

It is important to understand that therapy has caused the disease to be completely destroyed. So far, drugs are simply bored the activities of fungi, so a person cannot guess,Thing that threatens nail fungiuntil it is completely recovered.

Recipes of non-active therapy can be used as a helper.

  1. Apple vinegar creates negative conditions for the lives of fungi. Deletes the nails with a cotton pad, you will moisturize inside the vinegar or dilute water for bathing.
  2. In the most inappropriate therapy in the most inappropriate therapy in several decades, widely used soaps were used. The product can be released to foams in the fingers for 35-20 minutes and then wash it with water.
  3. Soda baths are the easiest and most convenient way of insensitive treatment. They do not cause irritation of the skin, so it is also suitable for children and allergies.
  4. Propolis, which can be obtained in a pharmacy, has antiinflamation and antiseptic characteristics. It can be used for the bathroom, diluted the water.
  5. Helps in the treatment of iodine mushrooms. Easy to use: You must apply the product with a thin layer before you go to bed and will completely master itself during the night.

Know -ualNail fungi is dangerous if not treated, how much time a person needs, will take more attention to the matter.

Danger of fungi for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the woman is sensitive to foreign and domestic sources of infection. Hormonal changes can reduce immunity, so the expected mother can be infected with mushrooms, or with further exacerbation of onychamycosis, if previously infected, it can be infected with the burning of onychomycosis.

What causes nail fungusIn pregnant women, it depends on the fact that those who do not belong to him. Often, patients, such patients at the early stages lead to the feet and back from the nails in their hands. If the underwear, affected nails and then the genital authorities are likely to be transmitted to the groin of pathogens. Thus, the inguinal micose is formed.

When the child crosses the birth channel is infected with a mushroom. ThereforeNail fungus, if you do not treat the resultsIt can be serious for the future mother and baby.

If a woman sees that onychomycosis is sick during pregnancy, it should be consulted immediately. Most medications are contraindicated for him, so you must choose the most paternity therapy or use the traditional drug that does not cause allergies, you should postpone treatment time until birth.

What will happen if you don't treat fungus

The mushrooms are microorganisms that make waste in the process of life. For humans, these products are toxic and they can break the work of the bodies if they enter the blood circulation.

  1. Tuxositionery is a sharp inflammation process in which the skin affects. In the absence of therapy, a dangerous complication can develop - toxic epidermal necrolysis.
  2. Lyella syndrome, toxidemi, the combination of poisonous epidermal necrolysis. In addition to the formation of a rash, the internal organs are injured and a large number of organ failures cause death.
  3. Toxic hepatopathy - damage to the liver in the conditions of extreme toxins in the body.

You can also develop an allergic reaction that harms the background of intoxication, heart, kidneys, liver and other peritoneal bodies.

Toxins have a negative impact on the work of the immune system. Immigration corrects the source of infection in the blood, but it cannot be overcome. If the immune status changes, a person is often suffering from respiratory infections or faces relapses of chronic inflammatory processes.

Changes in immunity can lead to the development of autoimmune pathologies and they are the most important points,What is the threat of nail fungi on foot if not treatedin time and correct. Otoimmune processes are not treated, corticosteroids are temporarily assigned to stop them to stop immune protectors. However, if there is a mushroom infection in a person's body, the drug will aggravate the status of immunosup.

Psychological anxiety

Cork, destroys the nails, is disgusting their appearance. Some patients develop depression, restrictions and isolation against this background. Many are ashamed to leave the house, they are afraid to face the negative reaction of others.

Cosmetic results

Although many people knowThing that threatens nails mushrooms in feetAnd use drugs for hands and therapy, mistakenly believe that properly selected drugs will restore the nail plate. However, in fact, it will not be possible to correct the dark and deformed nail plate. The task of therapy allows you to stop the pathological process and build new nails growing without damage.

The nails in the mushroom in a few months will have a yellow or gray color and will have a stage dark brown, color, stripes, spots and cracks. You can use the therapeutic varnish for masking.

The danger of fungi for others

UnderstandingWhat is dangerous for those around nail fungiHis hands, we can conclude that the treatment of the mushroom is not only a person's personal work, but also its duties. The disease is quickly transmitted with a personal contact using a common shower.

If one person in the family is sick of onyoamycosis, all family members must be taken to prevent.

Prevention of Mungal Diseases

The junior infection occurs in a collision with a pathogenic pathogen in decreasing body protection. Therefore, prevention, protective forces include infection and support sources.

This is necessary:

  • Processing shoes from inside;
  • Follow the personal hygiene carefully;
  • Wipe the legs and hands after dry wash;
  • Avoid walking barefoot;
  • Do not wear another's shoes;
  • Clean the focus of chronic infection;
  • Eat right.

To avoid restoration of the patriology, it is recommended to throw all the manicure accessories used during the disease. It is also recommended to get rid of shoes, but if it is not possible, a special drug should be treated with a mikostop or apple vinegar.

Frequent questionsWhat will happen if you don't look at the mushroom in the nail?

What is the danger? Without treatment, the mushroom lesion can serve as an "entrance gate" for ErySipelas, for example. The worst thing, in this process in many patients, this process quickly or later feet to their hands. This is the true tragedy for women.

What are the results of nail fungi?

The fungal infection is mainly affected by the foot, but rarely affects hands. Onychomycosis is an unpleasant cosmetic defect and can cause a number of complications such as Gangrene, a number of complications, diabetic legs and flegmons. Other names of the disease: nail fungus.

Is it possible to lose the nail due to cork?

The cork is developed in a warm and humid environment given on the nail plate. Onychomycoz everything is harmless! In case of indifferent, the mushroom destroys the nail growth zone and you can completely lose its nail plate.

What does a neglect of nails look like?

A significant nail fungus is a serious reason to return to a dermatologist: deformed thick or fine nails, destruction, a change in the color of the nail in the color of the nail, green, yellow, brown, sometimes green or black

Useful tipsCouncil №1

In the first signs of nail fungi, please contact a dermatologist for a precise diagnosis and prescription treatment. Do not delay the visit to the doctor as the fungi may cause serious complications.

Council № 2

Follow the doctor's recommendations for the treatment of nail fungi. Do not stop the course of treatment in front of the work schedule and do not miss the use of drugs to prevent recurrence and complications.

Council №3

Follow the rules of nail hygiene: Wash your nails regularly and dry, do not wear shoes made of synthetic materials, use individual manicure supplies.